Bloom Agency


How to Migrate Your WooCommerce Store to Shopify Seamlessly

Migrating your store from WordPress/WooCommerce into Shopify might be a revelatory step to upgrade your business in the virtual world. Shopify web design has an intuitive interface, a very rich set of features, and scalability, which makes it an attractive option for store owners who want to update their e-commerce site. This guide takes you through all aspects of migration-how to generate API credentials, arrange import from WooCommerce, and end with importing WooCommerce data into Shopify. That way, you are making the transition easier and setting up the scene for a bright future on your new platform.

Create WooCommerce API Credentials

To migrate a WooCommerce store with Matrixify, you will need to create API credentials. This will allow Matrixify access to, and import, your store data.

How to Create WooCommerce REST API Credentials

1. Access WooCommerce API Settings:
• Login into your WordPress Admin dashboard.
• Go to WooCommerce > Settings > Advanced > REST API
• Now click on Add Key to create new API keys.

2. Setting the API Key:
• Description. Enter a meaningful name for the API key, as it can be anything you’ll understand.
• User: Choose the user account under which the app will access the API.
• Permissions: As Matrixify will be read-only, choose permissions as “Read”.

3. Create your API Key:
• Once you have completed the fields, click on Create API Key.

4. Get Your API Credentials:
• You’ll see two important pieces of information: the **Consumer Key** and **Consumer Secret**. These will be needed in the next step for Matrixify to connect to your WooCommerce store.

Make sure to store these credentials securely, as they provide access to your store’s data.

 Constructing the API URL

1. URL Format:

Your URL structure should look something like this:
https://<Consumer Key>:<Consumer Secret>@<server>

• Consumer Key: The key you made from WooCommerce.
• Consumer Secret: The secret key linked to the consumer key.
• Server: Your WooCommerce shop’s domain.

2. Example Construction:
Suppose that your credentials are the following:

• Consumer Key: `ck_00a000000a0a00a0000000000a0aaa0a0a0aaa00`
• Consumer Secret: `cs_1bb111b11111b1b11b1111111111b11bb1b1bbb1`
• Server: ``
Yours would appear like this:

3. Extract Server Details:

Be sure to use the right server details from your WooCommerce Admin URL and add the API keys you had generated.

Adding URL Parameters to Restrict Data Import: If you only need to migrate specific data, you can add more parameters to the URL. This is essential when you plan to migrate specific types of data or filter the data by date range. The beauty is that you can change the parameters and work on the import job as per your needs.

Running a New Import Job from WooCommerce API URL

With that, you have already set up the WooCommerce API URL. From here, you can use the Matrixify application to start importing your data. Here’s how to do it:

1. Access the Matrixify App:
• Access the Import section of the Matrixify application.
• Paste your WooCommerce API URL in the appropriate field.
• Click on the “Upload from URL” button to begin the process.

2. Inspect your Data :
• After you have uploaded the URL, a new import page is going to pop up showing all the details the imported data entails; check everything is fine before proceeding.

3. Troubleshooting Common Problems:
• If this keeps popping up with “URL does not exist,” then it probably means that your Cloudflare Web Application Firewall (WAF) is blocking the connection.
• White list the server IP address for the Matrixify app under the Cloudflare whitelisting section. This will ensure that Matrixify does not have any issues accessing the WooCommerce API.

Following all these steps, you can transfer your WooCommerce data to Shopify web design seamlessly using the Matrixify app.

Checking on job details and doing a “Dry Run”

Once you are able to reach the import page in Matrixify, an overview of the import job you are about to run will be yours to view. This page allows you to view what data you will import so that you are assured of item counts being correct.


Important Considerations:

• Customer Data: Note that the WooCommerce API does not count customers who placed orders as guests without ever creating a customer. Therefore, you might have a customer count in your WooCommerce admin that is slightly lower than it should be. In any case, these customers will still be created for your Shopify shop with their very basic data and address information from their order.
• Format Verification: Use the “Format” field to verify it reads as “WordPress / WooCommerce API.”. Therefore, you can be sure that Matrixify has identified and connected to your WooCommerce API.

Using the “Dry Run” Option:

1. Select the “Dry Run” Option: Scroll down to the “Options” section and select the “Dry Run” option. This will convert your WooCommerce into the Matrixify format without importing it into Shopify right away. It gives you an opportunity to review the data before finalizing the import so you can double-check for accuracy and make any adjustments you need before proceeding.

2. How to Trigger the Dry Run: Click the “Import” button from the bottom or top of the page to start the Dry Run.
It should not take too long for the Dry Run, although it will depend on the amount of your data, therefore a little longer. Do not keep the Matrixify application open; you can just close your browser-it’ll be processed in the servers. You’ll get an e-mail notification when it’s done. To check the status of the job, you can also return later under recent jobs.

Final: Dry Run Optinally

It’s possible to run the import without doing a Dry Run. However, if you make one, it will allow you to review the data before actually performing the full import. Then, if you want to do it, you are absolutely free to do an import without any Dry Run. Reviewing the data that will be migrated beforehand may help you smooth the migration process.

Download and Unzip the Resulting File

1. Download the Results:

Click the “Download Import Results” button to download the zip file produced by Matrixify.

2. Extract the Zip File:

Unzip the downloaded file. In this folder, you’ll find “Images” and “Import_Result.xlsx”, an Excel file.

3. Review the “Images” Folder:

The image files are located in the “Images” folder. These images are embedded into the Product or Collection HTML code.
• If there are no images listed in the HTML code for your migration, the “Images” folder might be empty.
• Note that actual product images and collection featured images are not included in this folder. Instead, Shopify will retrieve these images from the links provided in the Excel file.

 Upload Images to Shopify Files

Ensure your images appear correctly in Shopify using the following guidelines.

1. Step 1: Find the Images

Inside the folder “Images,” you’ll find all the image files used in the Product and Collection descriptions.

2. Before Uploading

• As you would most likely deactivate your prior WordPress/WooCommerce hosting, host these images within Shopify. The servers within Shopify can host your images-so, this is highly recommended.

3. Upload Images to Shopify:

• Open up your Shopify Admin and go to Content > Files.
• Click the “Upload” button to begin uploading your images.
• Click on all images contained in your unzipped folder. You can easily click on all files using the shortcut Ctrl+A on your computer, or Cmd+A if you have a Mac.

4. Keep Image Names:

• Do not allow the utility to change the name of the images themselves. Preserve the names as used originally is essential because it will ensure that all image links within your migrated descriptions will match the uploaded images properly.

5. Check Image Links:

• Once uploaded, Shopify will host the images at new URLs. If Matrixify has updated the image links correctly, they should appear as expected in your descriptions.
• If you encounter any broken image links after migration, contact Matrixify Support for assistance in resolving the issue.

Review the “Import_Result” Excel File Before Importing

Now it’s the time to check the “Import_Result” Excel file created by Matrixify. It is the last step before importing the data into Shopify where you’ll clean up your data for import.

Step 1: Open the Excel File

Locate and open the “Import_Result” Excel file from the folder. This file contains extracted data from your WooCommerce store.

Step 2: Clean Up Your Data:

• You can take this chance to clean and refine the data. Legacy systems frequently contain inconsistencies such as incomplete phone numbers, misspelled words, as well as variant names that do not match.
• If you have items you don’t wish to migrate, just delete them from the Excel file.

3. Understand Metafields:

• Any data that does not have a direct counterpart in Shopify will be categorized as Metafields in the Excel file. You may want to review Shopify’s documentation on Metafields and consult their tutorial on bulk managing Metafields if you need to make changes later.

4. Review the Sheets:

The “Import_Result” file includes multiple sheets for different types of data:
• Products
• Custom Collections
• Redirects
• Customers
• Orders

Review all the information on the sheets so that there will be no format or content errors prior to importing to Shopify.

Disable Staff Order Notifications in Shopify

If you don’t wish to receive an email for each new order you make in Shopify, follow these steps.

1. Access Notifications Settings

• First off, head to your Shopify Admin control panel.
• Then go to Settings > Notifications.

2. Disable Staff order notifications

• Now, look for the “Staff order notifications” option
• Disable that, so you are not going to be emailed for every order you receive in your shop.

Import the Final Excel File into the Matrixify App

Only after ensuring all the data in your Excel file is correct and ready for migration, you should use the following steps within the Matrixify app:

1. Import Final Excel File:

• Navigate to the ‘Import’ section of the Matrixify app.
• Upload your finalized Excel file containing all the data.

2. Confirm File Analysis:

• After uploading, confirm that the app can recognize and will properly process each sheet in the file.
The import format should be “Matrixify”, meaning that the app will import based on the template of Matrixify.”

3. Do NOT Run a Dry Run:

• Because you now have everything ready to execute the actual import, do not check the “Dry Run” Checkbox

4. Run the Import:

• Review the details one last time to confirm everything is accurate.
• Click the “Import” button to begin importing your store data into Shopify.

Enjoy Your WooCommerce Store Data in Shopify

After initiating the import process, you can monitor the progress to see how many items are being created and other relevant details.

1. Monitor the Import:
• You’ll have the number of items being processed displayed in real-time as the import runs.

2. Leaving the App Open or Closed:
• The app doesn’t have to be running when the import job is going on, if you wish. You can come back later and get the status of your import.

3. Checking for Completion Status:
And once the import is complete, you will see a green “Finished” label that means the whole process has succeeded in its conclusion.

4. Review Your Data:
Now, go to your Shopify Admin dashboard, and ahead of this, go to review whether all your WooCommerce store data has correctly migrated to Shopify or not.


Follow the provided steps in managing your transfer—from API credentials, data imports, and review of your results-to transfer your store’s information without disrupting your business operations. Once the data is successfully imported into Shopify’s system, you’ll be able to fully utilize the rich tools and features that are available on Shopify to boost the functionality of your shop and its growth. Reap the benefits of your new Shopify store and its chances of optimizing and expanding your online business from wordpress development company.

I have taken some references and images from the official Blog Post; do check them out to learn more.

About Us

Bloom Agency specializes in comprehensive WooCommerce development services and creating customized Shopify development websites that are not only visually appealing but also functionally robust. Our Shopify website development services and WooCommerce development service are tailored to help your business thrive in the digital world and are designed to elevate your online store’s performance and functionality. We also provide services to easily migrate your Shopify website to WooCommerce.

Reach out to us today !

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